Celebrate World Thinking Day 2024

Make a pledge to say how you'll help to protect the environment

29 January 2024

World Thinking Day happens every 22 February and is a chance for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the world to think about each other, the worldwide movement they’re part of, and important issues.

In 2024, the theme of World Thinking Day is Our World, Our Thriving Future. It will be a chance to learn about how girls and young women can build a  better future where all girls live in an environmentally sustainable world free of poverty.


In 1926, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world met in the USA for the 4th World Conference. They decided that there should be a special day each year when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world think of each other and express their thanks and appreciation for our international movement.

They decided to call it Thinking Day and chose 22 February as the date for Thinking Day because it was the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting Movement, and Olave Baden-Powell, who was the first World Chief Guide.

‘During the twenty-four hours of 22 February, these kindly, generous thoughts are being thrown out into the ether by Guides who care personally about the preaching of love and goodwill in the world, and these thoughts and prayers are concentrated thus as a live force for the developing of friendship and understanding, for which all peoples are longing,’ said Olave Baden-Powell in her autobiography.

‘Though you cannot visit sister Guides in France or Finland, in Austria or Australia, in Italy or Iceland, Canada or Chile, Ghana or Guatemala, U.S.A. or U.A.R., you can reach out to them there in your MIND. And in this unseen, spiritual way you can give them your uplifting sympathy and friendship. Thus do we Guides, of all kinds and of all ages and of all nations, go with the highest and the best towards the spreading of true peace and goodwill on earth.’

World Thinking Day 2024

2024 marks the end of the Our World, Our Equal Future theme. In 2022, the theme was Our World, Our Equal Future, and in 2023 the theme was Our World, Our Peaceful. This year's theme, Our World, Our Thriving Future, continues the journey exploring crucial global issues through the lens of environmental sustainability, gender equality, peace, and poverty.

Connection to nature has always been a part of Girlguiding, with the original Guide Law from more than 100 years ago saying ‘A Guide is a friend to all animals’. In 2024, it's still part of the Law: 'A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her'.

Today, our world and natural environment is more under threat than ever from climate change. 

WAGGGS have published an activity pack which will help members think about and take action on how we can work together to create a more prosperous future where all girls can thrive in an environmentally sustainable world free of poverty..

We’ve also pulled together some of our favourite activities from the Girlguiding programme so members can learn about the environment, conservation and climate change.


Rainbows can find out how much plastic they use in a day in Waste of time, encourage their community to value their local wildlife in Nature neighbours and find out the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy in Actions for energy.


Get Brownies thinking about changing the way they use plastic in Unfantastic plastic. They can also find out why animals are in danger in All creatures great and small, make a minibeast house in Bottle mansions and learn what happens when a new species is introduced to an environment in Insect invaders. Brownies can take it further by learning about their rights and climate change in the My rights interest badge.


Guides can get creative and make their own ecosystem in a plastic bottle as part of Plastic planting and find out why wildlife is at risk and how to help in Go wild!. Take a stand against climate change and learn about the Global Goals with Global goalie and discover how to reduce their carbon footprint in Carbon calculator. In their own time, Guides can find out how to use their voice to create change with the Human rights interest badge.


Tackle plastic use with Plastic personas and upcycle old plastic in Plastic fantastic. Sew it, grow it! gets Rangers making seed balls to for bees, learn about overfishing in Empty oceans and think about different opinions on protecting nature in Destructive discussions.

Learn about WAGGGS and international guiding

Rainbows can have a go at World Centre postcards and Trefoil creations, Brownies can learn what the World Trefoil stands for in Trefoil trivia and explore where they fit in as part of the worldwide guiding family in Guiding in a bubble. Guides can be inspired about international opportunities in International explorer and learn about the world centres and find out about international guiding in World Centre welcome. And Rangers can learn new things about guiding around the world Guiding blockbusters.

Find international friends and learn more on the WAGGGS website and learn more about our world centres: There’s Our Chalet in Switzerland, Pax Lodge in London, Sangam in India, Kusafari across Africa and Our Cabaña in Mexico.

♻️🌎Make a pledge to say how you'll help to protect the environment. Could you grow your own flowers or make pledge to recycle at home? 🌻🍃 

How will you celebrate World Thinking Day 2024? Tag us in social media, use the hashtag #WTD2024 tagging @girlguiding or email us at yourvoice@girlguiding.org.uk and tell us what your unit gets up to.